Wednesday, 7 November 2012

England | Surfing in St.Ives

Travelling doesn't always have to be to exotic places abroad.

Recently I went on a surfing trip with my University Surf Club to St.Ives in Cornwall. We travelled by minibus down into the depths of South-West England; stopping off at Asda on the way to buy provisions, i.e. booze. The long journey flew by as we played drinking games, ate food, and generally got to know each other a bit better... For me, I didn't know anyone so the alcohol consumption and drinking games were a good ice breaker.


One thing I do like about travelling; moving to a new place, or even starting a new job, is the thrill of not knowing what will happen, where your'll end up or even who you will meet. And that you know nobody and they have no clue who you are. In these scenarios, you are able to start afresh and really be the person you are, or what to be, without any prior expectations from people you do know. I love the feeling of meeting new people; will you be friends for life? Or will they despise you and stab you in the back further down the line? Who knows!


We arrived at our youth hostel many hours later, very excitable and talkative. Some of the other dudes and dudettes, on the trip, decided to explore the town and St.Ives' nightlife. I, on the other hand, opted for my bed and a conversation with my new found "dorm" mates. We, all being freshers, bonded quickly, and were just eager to go surfing in the morning.

I rose early and we all got ready to jump back in the minibus and head for the beach. SURF TIME. The waves that day were easy to catch and surf into shore; we all had tremendous fun. The day's surfing drew to a close and we all prepared for the surf club initiation and night's drinking antics.

The following day we all nursed bad hangovers and slowly made our way back down to the beach for more surfing. These waves, I found, were far more fun, as they were bigger and it was more of a challenge - plus I didn't get as cold in the water! Inevitably, we all had to get out of the water, pack our things and clamber back onto the minibus to head home.

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