Saturday, 17 November 2012

Post-Travel Blues | My Top Ten Survival Tips

Here is my list to surviving those dread post-travel blues!

1. Talk to the people you met out there and reminisce.

2. Look through your pictures and re-live those days from the comfort of your home.

3. Find like-minded travellers; there's bound to be several flitting around in your local area, and talk to them about new and past adventures.

4. Plan your next trip and just be inspired!

5. Try something new, everyday, if possible.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

England | Surfing in St.Ives

Travelling doesn't always have to be to exotic places abroad.

Recently I went on a surfing trip with my University Surf Club to St.Ives in Cornwall. We travelled by minibus down into the depths of South-West England; stopping off at Asda on the way to buy provisions, i.e. booze. The long journey flew by as we played drinking games, ate food, and generally got to know each other a bit better... For me, I didn't know anyone so the alcohol consumption and drinking games were a good ice breaker.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Featured Article on GapYearBlog | Frontier

Would just like to express a quick post of thanks to Frontier, who recently featured this blog on their Gap Year Blog and here it is for you to view:

Thank you guys for the experience!